Shi Xingguo Talks to Luo Jinhai: Why Web3 Will Be a Rare Opportunity for China to Achieve a Breakthrough in The Internet Field?

The two big names discussed the topic of “Why Web3 will be a rare opportunity for China to achieve a breakthrough in the internet field?” and brought us a feast of ideas! One is a blockchain technology “sweeping monk”, the other is a well-known science fiction writer and technology preacher. Web3 technology, in their mouths, has become not only technical but also literary and humanistic. This is a profound dialogue that intertwines sensibility and rationality, idealism and realism!

When talking about Web3 and the metaverse, Mr. Shi quoted the “Mulan Poem” and described his observation of the blockchain industry as “holding a fire stick in one hand and the Diamond Sutra in the other”. Mr. Luo Jinhai, when describing an ideal digital collection, quoted Yu Guangzhong’s “Looking for Li Bai”: “Wines with heroism, seven parts turn into moonlights, three parts turn into sword energy, gorgeous words once spoken, half the glory of the Tang Dynasty.” The audience applauded: the conversation between the masters is truly extraordinary!

The discussion on “whether human nature is worthy of Web3?” is also very exciting and can be considered a classic question: as a senior practitioner in the blockchain industry, Mr. Luo said he really looks down on Bitcoin now. The current situation of Bitcoin tells us that it is possible to take a wrong action even under a fair supervision, and the madness of human nature reflected in phenomena such as speculation and overnight wealth is immeasurable. If there must be an answer to this question, he personally judges that we are indeed not worthy of Web3. However, Mr. Shi Xingguo said: “Whether it is digital currency or the chaos in the blockchain circle, the long-term business that can truly develop will not be what we see now, it’s just a matter of timing. It does hit on the sinful part of human nature, but I still believe that the nature of human beings is a mix of good and evil, and that this is a changing process.” The two speakers’ arguments are not contradictory, but rather provoke deep thought from two different perspectives.

Highlights of today’s talk:

  1. In China, which segment of Web3 have the most promising future prospects?
  2. Is human nature worthy of Web3?
  3. How long will it take for humans to truly enter the Web3 world? What obstacles need to be overcome?
  4. How to avoid risks and seize the opportunities in the Web3 environment?
  5. Why is the metaverse called “the meta-narrative of humanity”? What is the underlying logic that makes the metaverse popular worldwide and create a wide phenomenon?
  6. What lessons can be learned from the Luna crash in the crypto market?
  7. How to assess the practical value and future trends of NFTs?
  8. What is an ideal digital collection?
  9. Will the digital collection market be a flash in the pan or become a long-tail market? How to break the current market’s homogenization?

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