Overview of Web3.0 Fundraising in August

In August 2024, Web3.0 projects completed a total of 117 financing rounds, raising approximately $777 million, which is lower than the monthly average over the past year (around $867 million, shown by the blue line in the chart below). The market experienced significant fluctuations in August, and the capital market was also affected. However, the situation is still better compared to the same period last year.

Data resource: https://www.rootdata.com/
Continue reading Overview of Web3.0 Fundraising in August


2024年 8月,Web3项目共融资117轮次,融资总金额约7.77亿美金,低于近一年的月均值(约8.67亿美金,下图蓝色线)。8月整个市场都处于波动较大的状态,资本市场也受到了一些影响。不过,相比去年同期还 是要好一些的。

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