虫洞赏金计划en (1)_wps图片

Paralism bounty program is designed to encourage the communities  to participate into the Paralism sandbox software testing and to provide bounty to users who find bugs or make valuable suggestions. The rules and rewards are as follows:

The test software:

Paralism Lite (Sandbox network)

Test Scope:

The scope of the Paralism wormhole test includes, but not limited to:

Protocol stability: issues in Blockchain consensus model, publicity integrity, network communication, p2p protocol.

Implementation integrity: issues in the collaboration between network communication and network security in the implementation of the protocol.

Algorithm security: issues in security and attack resistance of consensus algorithms, block generation algorithms, etc.

Mining software: issues in data synchronization, mining, trading, block competition and data on-chain persistence , Chain Browser.

Submission conditions:

Issues already submitted by other users or known by the Paralism team are not eligible for bounty rewards.

Paralism core development team, employees, and all others paid directly or indirectly by the Paralism project are not eligible for rewards.

Any professional Paralism developer using a code base is not eligible for the reward.

Neither the Paralism website nor the Paralism Foundation infrastructure is part of the bounty program.

You can launch or fork the private chain on the sandbox network for error finding or testing. Please respect the working effort on the public test network of Paralism and prevent accidentally attacks.

Issue Submission:

Way One

1. Log in to Github with your Gitbub account (you may register an account if didn’t have one).

2. Submit the issue description in this pages:

Way Two

Send issue description directly to, The issue description template showing as below:

  • Name(Required)
  • Email(Required)
  • Wallet account(Required)
  • Short description of the bug(Required)
  • Bug execution environment and recurrence steps(Required)
  • Bug details and possible impact on parallel chains or related
    mining activities

Bug ratings and corresponding bounties

This “sandworm” plan divides the submitted bugs into four levels, and finds and submits bugs of different levels to receive different numbers of Para as rewards:

  • (V) -Vital: 5000 Para
  • (S) -Serious: 2000 Para
  • (R) -Regular: 1000 Para
  • (M) -Minor:
    • M1: 500Para
    • M2: 300Para

*note: the rewards is only for issue discovery and submission. If issue submission attached  a  terrific solution , the rewards will double.

Evaluation criteria:

level V:

Critical Issues,that prevent test work to continue, cause operating system crashes, missing basic modules, serious security issues and vulnerabilities in algorithm.

level S:

Serious Issues, malfunctions in major functionality, the function is seriously inconsistent with the design target, major security and algorithm problems, etc.

level R

Regular issues, a problem that slightly affects system function and operation. For example, module is missing or cannot be started or called but other part of software can continue running well, key value or statistics error,  and non-major function error.

level M:

Minor errors, display, performance, stability issues, or suggestions, which would not affect the user operation.

this issue level is divided into sub levels of M1 and M2:

  • M1: issues cause program restart, exit, and exhaustive resource consumption, etc.
  • M2: GUI display error, program interface error, long time waiting, long query time, wrong format, poor user experience, etc.

Who will evaluate?

At the beginning of the “wormhole” bounty program, the rating of issues will be mainly carried out by the Paralism core development team.

The later “wormhole” bounty program will invite community technical professionals to join review and setup a  weighted voting system of community review. the review seats, weighted indicators and weights will be adjusted in different phase of project development.

Distribute bounty, burn and map

During the sandbox testing period, the “wormhole” bounty received by community users will be transferred to the corresponding user’s wallet from Paralism community development account. Please note that: those Para obtained during this sandbox test period will ONLY stays in the sandbox network. all the Para will be burned during the official migration to the public test network. After the public test network launched, Paralism will map the awarded Para to the new test network according to sandbox test Record.

The Paralism “wormhole” bounty program will publish the bounty list on the official blog every week.