After the first mining phase of Paralism beta network, in order to further expand the size of the nodes network , then provide a profounder infrastructure for ecological construction, and further improve the stability of mining progress for users, Paralism today launches the 2.0 Version mining software which enable user use sandbox network to do testing before switch to the beta nework. After the sandbox testing is finished, users can start the second phase, mining on the beta test net.

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Hard Disk

Graphics card

Operating System






Win7 64






CentOS 7 CentOS 7以上以及 GNOME 或KDE桌面环境

First, a note on Paralism mining

Compared with the first phase of mining in Paralism, the second phase of mining not only improves on the mining software, but also from Paralism:

Optimize the consensus process and avoid invalid mining

In the first phase of Paralism mining, some nodes were cleared or the amount changed after mining. The root cause was the poor network performance of some nodes. When communication problems occurred with neighbor nodes and public network nodes, nodes continued to mine Mining, but in fact, its mining has been carried out on a forked chain with only its own nodes. After resuming communication with the public network, this section of mining was abandoned.

In order to solve this problem and further improve the consistency of Para sub-chain and chain spatial data, the underlying technology has added stricter review conditions in terms of consensus on the on-chain data. Generally speaking, whenever the Para chain data is inconsistent with the underlying chain spatial data or the Para chain is incomplete, the mining node will automatically stop mining to prevent fork losses due to network connection and other problems.

At the same time, the nodes will automatically request the corresponding data from the neighbor nodes and the chain space, and gradually trace back the Para chain data, and then continue to mine after the completeness is established. Above.

This will effectively improve the balance fluctuations and even zeroing problems in the mining process, and greatly improve the mining efficiency.

Optimize the mining software interface functions and improve user experience

Paralism mining software has been optimized:

· Detailed node mining status display: the specific status includes ongoing and mining stop, helping users directly judge the current node’s working status, and indicate the stop reason for the mining stop status.

· User account balance is divided into: mature block balance and total (immature + mature), reducing unnecessary balance changes, while helping users at a glance to produce block results.

· Added wallet import and export buttons for node users in the previous version to synchronize account balances with the new version.

About public beta and sandbox networks

The public test network is the official external test network of Paralimism. All the data generated on it will continue and will eventually migrate to the official main network.

Sandbox Network is a relatively small-scale, but more aggressive test network that is open to pioneer users of Paralism; data generated by testing on the Sandbox Network will not be migrated to the public test network and the main network, but the test behavior on the Sandbox Network will be Earn rewards, and all rewards generated during the Sandbox Network will be counted towards the formal community building part.

Specific to this Paralism mining 2.0 test:

· The balance of users in the first phase of the public beta network mining of Paralism will be displayed in the sandbox website 2.0 mining software account balance after the wallet is imported from the old version to the new version;

· Paralism mining software 2.0 account balance will remain on the sandbox network, after Paralism2.0 is released on the public beta network, this part of the balance will not be migrated to the public beta network

· Paralism mining 2.0 was released on the public beta network, and the account mining balance is still the balance after the first phase of mining

· Paralism Mining 2.0 will receive a corresponding bounty if a bug is found and submitted during the sandbox network (the specific bounty plan will be released tomorrow). This part of the bonus will be airdropped in accordance with the community construction part of the public beta network during the second phase of mining. The reward balance obtained by Sandbox will not be migrated to the public beta network, but the community building behavior will be counted and become on the public beta network. Basis for getting rewards.

Third, about the backup and import of the wallet

Step 1: Save and export the old version data first

1. Open the old program installation directory-> bin-> informal-> 0de3d1c7ff folder;

2. Copy the wallet.dat file to another location;

3. Then install a new program, and enter normal mode after calibration.

4. Close the program and ask if you want to keep the miner running in the background.

5. Overwrite the previously copied wallet file with the new program installation directory-> bin-> informal-> (name to be determined)-> wallet.dat file;

6. Restart the program.

Note: The directory in step 5 has a name that cannot be determined for the time being. It can only be determined after the software is packaged.

After the manual copy, the new mining program is automatically imported.

Step 2: Uninstall the old version (it must be uninstalled, old and new cannot exist at the same time)

Step 3: Download and install the new version

For details, please refer to “Import and Export of Paralism Mining Wallet”

 If you have any questions, please join our community, or submit your questions via email. We will answer them as soon as possible to open a new world of parallel chain .