Paralism mining 2.0 has been launched on the sandbox network.Please uninstall the old version of the software before downloading the new one. The two versions is not compatible with each other.

Please remember to save the data before uninstalling, we will sincerely recommend all of you to use the new version for it being much much more smooth!


To Parallel Consensus Community: 2019-2020

Technology, product, ecology, market, from 2019 to 2020, even facing challenges, uncertainties and also opportunities, parallelism has never stopped its step.

2019, Paralism launched its main-net and then the ecosystem.


  • Improved the data structure of the Parallel blockchain chain, optimized the decompression of the chain layer and the application layer, and strengthened the detection of neighbor nodes;
  • Improved pluggable consensus and fully opened various application interfaces
  • Successfully verify the operation of the dynamic ledger of the parallel  sub-chain

Continue reading To Parallel Consensus Community: 2019-2020

In 2020, The Blockchain Enters The Era of Paralism

The blockchain has experienced the 1.0 era of programmable currencies, the 2.0 era of programmable contracts, and the 3.0 era of programmable performance that gradually extended to other application areas after performance improvements. The technology itself has still not reached the requirements of the real business world; The increasing demand of the industry’s blockchain and the growing competition among giant companies and even sovereign governments on the blockchain. Blockchain technology has entered an accelerated development channel, and it is very likely that it will enter the next era in 2020. The blockchain 4.0 era is worse than the 2.0X2.0 era. Continue reading In 2020, The Blockchain Enters The Era of Paralism

Paralism Invited to Participate in The IoT Blockchain Standards Development and Startup Conference led by the IGRS Industry Alliance

December 12, Hyperchain was invited to participate in the IoT Blockchain Standards Development and Startup Conference led by the IGRS Industry Alliance in Beijing. There were also companies such as Lenovo, Konka, Xiaomi, and Midea. At the meeting, participating companies discussed the preliminary planning for the establishment of the Internet of Things blockchain standard. Hyperchain will actively participate in and submit standards as blockchain companies. Continue reading Paralism Invited to Participate in The IoT Blockchain Standards Development and Startup Conference led by the IGRS Industry Alliance



From November 13th to 14th, Paralism, with its parallel blockchain patent, has opened the parallel main network to the outside world. Aggregation will publish biweekly reports from time to time, which has provided the community with a timely understanding of the ecological progress of the parallel chain.

Technical Progress And Product Release

1, As a ground-breaking step of Paralism parallel ecological construction, Paralism parallel blockchain public beta network officially opened to external interconnection on November 1, 2019, users can download Paralism parallel software, run Paralism on the main network, and get Para Eco Rewards. Continue reading WEEKLY-PARALLEL ECOLOGICAL PROGRESS [11.11-11.22]

Paralism Parallel Ecology Officially Launched -From Silicon Valley

From parallel architecture to patented algorithms, from the main network release to the ecological launch, from Seoul, South Korea to Silicon Valley, Paralism deliberately escaped the “BIQUAN” and missed many seminars. This time, it has grown stronger and stronger. Parallel main network, leading parallel blockchain technology features, well-tooled platform and clear-cut ecological plan, for Silicon Valley, to the global blockchain industry and the entire technology industry, issued an ecological invitation.

On November 13-14, the team of Hyperchain Information Technology Corporation, with its digital economic platform Paralism supported by the parallel blockchain, attended the world’s largest blockchain in Santa Clara, the center of Silicon Valley. Continue reading Paralism Parallel Ecology Officially Launched -From Silicon Valley

Paralism Ecology : Blockchain Industrialization Will Come In the Name of Parallel



As China and the world accelerate the development of blockchain technology, Paralism will also officially launch a parallel ecosystem, creating a new value network between companies, assets, goods and data, making the digital world as real as the physical world, thus further reshape the Internet and the digital economy. Supporting Paralism’s main net launching  is another strategic step taken by  Hyperchain technology in less than one year.

The first functions of the system are web preview version of the mining test network(for first coin-mining), issue a chain and publish on chain. And also provide customized blockchain + template based on the industry and the development stages. Continue reading Paralism Ecology : Blockchain Industrialization Will Come In the Name of Parallel

Issue a Chain On Paralism, Burning The Industry !


Introduction: With the popularity of blockchain technology, every business, every digital asset, and even everyone in the future may need chain.

The bitcoin era of the public chain was unknown, and when the value of Bitcoin was gradually recognized, the desire for the currency was fully ignited. However, the Ethereum ERC20 smart contract engine of the altcoin and cloning coins is full of money, and even in the era of “the public chain is king” after the big waves, the development of blockchain is still a dream. The public chain of the land is only a part of the separatist, inaction, the lack of performance, the sense of loneliness of the single chain, so that the public chain becomes self-sufficient. Continue reading Issue a Chain On Paralism, Burning The Industry !

Why Do We Choose to Publish On Chain On Paralism ?


Blockchain can become the core technology advocated, and it cannot be separated from its tamper-proof, distributed storage, and credibility. This also gives the blockchain a chance to witness the deposit, traceability and copyright and business trust. Fist. Through the record of information, data and resources, and then fully mobilize the advantages of distributed computing power and distributed network, the digitalization of trust in the chain business is a task that the future blockchain must carry.

At present, the blockchain development is turbulent, and the market nerves jump up and down with the rise and fall of the encrypted digital currency, and the blockchain potential is severely limited. Blockchain needs to be experienced by more people, thus better communicating the feasibility of blockchain in other areas. Continue reading Why Do We Choose to Publish On Chain On Paralism ?