Mr.Shi on Chitec:”Wish more and more real business entities join into blockchain economy”

Sept 17th-20th 2020, the 23rd China Beijing International High-tech expo, joint hold by  Ministry of Science and Technology of China PRC,  National Intellectual Property Administration  of China PRC, China Council for the promotion of International trade and the people’s government of Beijing City, has hold successfully in Beijing.

The Blockchain industry development forum  has invited various known Blockchain experts both domestic and abroad to have speeches and sessions. Hyperchain CEO, Mr Shi Xingguo has been invited as well and delivered his opinion regarding  how to integrate the real business factors into Blockchain enconomy.

Continue reading Mr.Shi on Chitec:”Wish more and more real business entities join into blockchain economy”

US Patent Granted for Hyperchain Parallel Consensus Algorithm

June 10th,Hyperchain has received another new patent allowance by USPTO. The granted patent covers Parallel Blockchain core Algorithm and had been granted by SIPO in July 2019. According to the report result of global patent search, the patent may be the first allowed claims in Parallel Blockchain technology category.

Recent years, Blockchain patent applications keeps bursting, However, the granted numbers is few because that the examination period can be several years due to the high standard of invention patent. So far, all examined patents of Hyperchain got a 100% pass rate globally. It reveals the spirit of the Hyperchain team and our scrupulous for technical invention.

Continue reading US Patent Granted for Hyperchain Parallel Consensus Algorithm

Paralism, Enlisted in the Top Rank List of Global Blockchain Value and Applications

22 May, 2020,  Global Blockchain Value and Application Private Forum hold in Bay area of Shanghai, and the Global Blockchain Value and Application research center has also openned together.

Hyperchain has been invited and attended the affair and Paralism, the parallel blockchain economy platform has been recommended by experts on the forum and enlisted in the Top Rank list of Global Blockchain Value and Applications.

Continue reading Paralism, Enlisted in the Top Rank List of Global Blockchain Value and Applications

Paralism Decide to Cancel the Exhibition at Blockchain Expo 2020 Due to COVID-19 Spread

Paralism decided to cancel the exhibition at upcoming events of Blockchain Expo 2020 in Landon due to the world spread trend of COVID-19.We have been carefully preparing for every possible communication opportunity with the industry, but this time the spread of Corona Virus heavily endanger all public events so that we have to announce the cancellation. Continue reading Paralism Decide to Cancel the Exhibition at Blockchain Expo 2020 Due to COVID-19 Spread

Hyperchain Will Deliver a Not-for-profit Lecture of Parallel Blockchain and Distribution Enconomy Supported by EDUchainX

March 4, 8 pm, Hyperchain will deliver a lecture of parallel Blockchan and distribution Economy supported by a not-for-profit Blockchain eduction platform inintiated by EduChainX. The lecture is a web video broadcast of a series of not-for-profit courses of which in response to the Blockchain education initiative rised by the National Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. In the video broadcast, Hyperchain CTO Chen Guangyu will give the audience a close scrutiny of the history of blockchain technology evolution and why parallel blockchain is the future, an in-depth understanding of how doses the value are created in Blockchain and what are the key factors of a distribution economy, and finally, a group of industrial solution cases study will be also presented for open discussion.

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Cross-Border Supply Chain & e-commerce platform Yogoo Joins into Paralism Ecology

Yogoo is a cross-border e-commerce platform which help get through the obstacle in global distribution channel of commodities. As the new Chinese e-commerce laws took effective on Jan 1st 2019, Yogoo has been created to take the opportunity in integration of e-commerce portal, cross border purchase and crypto currency community.

A high performance blockchain technology support is required in such a business scenario. Paralism utilizes parallel blockchain to connect the supply chain and blockchain data storage between business participators and thus make each participator’s credit information visible to each other. Furthermore, with the integration of consensus rule agreed, distribution data storage, P2P transmission and crypto algorithm, each party’s interest are secured safely. Continue reading Cross-Border Supply Chain & e-commerce platform Yogoo Joins into Paralism Ecology

AI+Parallel Blockchain, Chinese Academy of Science and Hyperchain are Working Together Now

Just after the Chinese new year holidays, Hyperchain and Chinese Academy of Science Guangzhou Branch (CASGB) started the cooperation in AI+Blockchain technical research projects. The research are based on the Research Plan and Requirement of the National Fourteen-Five Plan, will deeply study in embed AI into Blockchain consensus algorithm and solve the problem of utilizing and optimizing AI computational resource in Blockchain concensus process with the help of parallel blockchain technology.

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After the first mining phase of Paralism beta network, in order to further expand the size of the nodes network , then provide a profounder infrastructure for ecological construction, and further improve the stability of mining progress for users, Paralism today launches the 2.0 Version mining software which enable user use sandbox network to do testing before switch to the beta nework. After the sandbox testing is finished, users can start the second phase, mining on the beta test net.

Download link: Continue reading PARALISM MINING 2.0