Hyperchain, as a Special Sponsor of the “2022 Guanhuo Metaverse Digital Collection Summit”, The Founder Shi Xingguo Will Attend and Speak at The Conference

On June 14th, 2022, the “2022 Guanhuo Metaverse Digital Collection Online Summit” will be held. Hyperchain will be a special sponsor for this conference and will jointly release the “2022 Global NFT Digital Collection Development Research Report” with the organizers. Hyperchain founder, Shi Xingguo, will deliver the opening speech and keynote speech at the summit.

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Shi Xingguo, Founder of Hyperchain: The Metaverse Trend Comes from Technological Redundancy

Recently, the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference held a special consultation meeting on “Promoting the Sustainable and Healthy Development of the Digital Economy” and proposed that promoting the development of the digital economy is crucial for boosting the Chinese economy and establishing key industrial development directions.

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Shi Xingguo, Founder of Hyperchain: Hyperchain Will Provide Technical Support to Space Wish on Their Digital Collection Issuing

On April 24th, 2022, China’s Aerospace Day, the launch event for the “Star Universe Space Wish” digital collection platform, the world’s first platform to use physical satellites for synchronization and storage of digital art, was held and the “Stars twinkling – Star Baby Public Welfare Plan” charity digital collections were launched on multiple live streaming platforms. Shi Xingguo, the founder of Hyperchain, attended the launch event and shared his thoughts and expectations on digital collections going into space.

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Paralism Launches New Social Finance Tool “DAOGram” and Open Sales of Cards Collection of the Tiger Year

Paralism has launched the new Social Finance Tool “DAOGram” on the day of Chinese lunar new year and open sales of cards collection of the Tiger Year. With DAOGram everyone is able to create or join an social network to promote goods or NFTs then get commission as they were bought.

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Paralism Joins 2021 Exhibition of the 4th China Fintech Industry Summit by Invited

Oct 28th, the 4th China Fintech Industry Summit, together with the 3rd Sino-Singapore (Suzhou) Fintech Expo has opened at the Suzhou International Expo Center. Nearly 120 financial institutions and high tech enterprises joined this exhibition. Paralism joined the affair by invited too and demonstrated its success cases of parallel blockchain solutions.

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Notice of Exchange between PARA coin and E-PARA token

We are happy to announce that Paralism Foundation will provide exchange service between E-PARA and PARA for early joined miners today, then anyone who hold PARA coins can exchange to E-PARA. Please follow below process if you would like to do the exchange:

  1. Prepare an valid Ethereum address for receiving E-PARA.
  2. Send exchange request to paraex@paralism.com. Please specify information about
    a) The Ethereum address for receiving E-PARA.
    b) The amount of E-PARA you would like to exchange
    c) Specify if your address has a higher priority (see below)
  3. follow the steps in reply email from Paralism Foundation to process the exchange.
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Announcement: To Our Community and Miners

As planned the E-Para Initial DEX Offering(IDO) will be launched in recent days, E-PARA is an ERC20 token issued by Paralism team and designed as a value transferring bridge between Paralism and Ethereum ecology. It would bring various benefits to Paralism community as below:

  • PARA coin can be directly trade on public markets
  • Dapps on Ethereum would become smoothly migrate to Paralism ecology if they want
  • Dapps on Paralism would be able to directly interact with Ethereum Smart contracts.
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Launch Announcement of E-PARA Initial DEX Offering(IDO)

We are thrilled to announce that E-PARA ERC20 token will launch IDO campaign on Uniswap and can be freely trade by anyone globally on 25th May,2021. At the time, any popular crypto wallet can be used to trade E-PARA and any crypto currency or tokens can be swapped with E-PARA. Paralism Fundation will provide exchange service between E-PARA and PARA at 1:1 rate.

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Paralism Co-founder Delivers Speech of Smart Contract Technology in Enterprise Applications on College Education Summit

17th, April, Shanghai, the 2021 College Interdisciplinary Development Summit, directed by Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance(SAIF), Block Chain Professional Committee of China Mobile Communications Association and the Alliance of Emerging Engineering Education for information technologies.

Sponsored by Engineering Technical Research Center of Smart Finance of Shanghai, Shanghai Social Cost Research Society of Shanghai JiaoTong University, the Commission of Teaching Instruction of Vocational Universities and Colleges of Shanghai, has hold successfully joined by several hundreds of industrial professionals, scholars from universities and colleges. Ideas and experience of china blockchain professional training and faculty education are actively shared and discussed during the session.

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