Infrastructure for the DAPP ecosystem from the DAPP grading menu
Blockchain has not yet developed killer applications.
So far, most of the application of blockchain technology is based on its utility: on the one hand, traditional institutions regard it as a “distributable, non-tamperable, and trust-solving problem” distributed ledger technology, using blockchain as a tool. To improve the quality of traditional industries; on the other hand, independent DAPP developers mostly use the most mature application of the blockchain – cryptocurrency, looking for scenarios that make it easy for cryptocurrency to flow, to attract traffic, such as gaming, games, etc. .
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Weekly (August 5th – August 9th)
Weekly (July 29th – August 2th)
Distributed computing power of blockchain’s Post-era
A few years ago, in the development of cloud computing, Viktor Charypar, technical director of British digital consulting firm Red Badger, wrote on Venture Beat that cloud services will usher in the end, and pointed out that peer-to-peer network will be future development.
He cited the poor performance of cloud computing, the fragility of centralized storage and data trust. He is very confident that most of the problems mentioned above can be solved. Fully distributed, permanently redundant data storage and peer-to-peer network technology are Our inevitable development direction.
Continue reading Distributed computing power of blockchain’s Post-era
How does Paralism go to independence and interconnection of value?
The Paralism multi-chain parallel structure provides customized consensus sub-chains for various types of assets and business forms. It supports public chain, private chain, and consortium chain forms, and also provides a natural opportunity for cross-chain interconnection. Various types of assets, businesses, and industry assets can be interconnected through decentralized way. The hyper-block consensus ensures global consistency and data security, thus achieving true value interconnection. Continue reading How does Paralism go to independence and interconnection of value?
Weekly (July 22th – July 26th)
The Perfect Built-in Cross-chain solution of Paralism
During the implementation of cross-chain process, various terms such as notary mechanism, sidechain/relay, and hash locking have been proposed, but none have effectively combined efficiency and security. However, the parallel advantages of the Paralism data structure provide a natural interaction possibility for chain cross. The hyperblock structure can highly guarantee global consensus and consistency within the system. Paralism effectively avoids the poor traceability, high risk of intermediary bridging chains, protocol inefficiency and slow interaction in the cross-chain process. It is naturally efficient and feasible. Continue reading The Perfect Built-in Cross-chain solution of Paralism
The data economy and the era of mining : What do you need to know?
Driven by technologies such as 5G, AI artificial intelligence.The data economy is on the way . For data traceability, identification, verification, confirmation, collaboration and transaction needs, the blockchain will combine 5G and other technologies to build the underlying network infrastructure of the digital economy. Different from the centralized network used by most existing Internet applications, the digital economic value Internet supported by the blockchain will be a decentralized network without boundaries to meet the characteristics of the data itself and the needs of data economic activities.
Keywords for the next five years: Digital economy, Infrastructure, Blockchain, Parallel

Digital economy is irreversible
Babolat – french tennis racket maker, has produced a smart racket that captures user performance data that can be sold to other sports companies, sports research centers, and even sports betting companies that are trying to develop new products; there is a car sensor that driver brake data upload, if many drivers frequently brake in the same place, then there is a hidden danger in the traffic section here, the insurance company can cooperate with the municipality in advance to eliminate hidden dangers to reduce the payment.
Continue reading Keywords for the next five years: Digital economy, Infrastructure, Blockchain, Parallel