
WCS香港峰会【全称2024 Web3 Connect Summit (Hong Kong)】即将于6月25日在香港拉开帷幕。此次峰会将汇聚学界大咖、政策制定者、杰出企业家、技术精英、明星创业者和知名投资人等重磅嘉宾,进行高峰对话,共同审视香港在Web3领域的发展前景,深入探讨破局之道,为香港的Web3未来注入新的活力。



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Announcement: Paralism Now Added Support for OAuth2.0 Flows!

Dear Paralism Partners and Community,

To help Web2 users to conveniently experience the convenience and rich use cases brought by Web3 technology, we are delighted to announce that Paralism has added support for OAuth2.0, enabling seamless integration with third-party decentralized applications.

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Terms of Service

These terms of service, together with any documents and additional terms they incorporate by reference (collectively, these “Terms”), are entered into between the Paralism Foundation (the “we,” “us,” and “our”) and you or the company or other legal entity that you represent (“you” or “your”).

Please read these Terms carefully as they govern your use of our site located at https://www.paralism.com/ and all associated sites (the “Site”) and our Services (defined below) and describe your rights and obligations and our disclaimers and limitations of legal liability. By accessing or using any part of the Site or the Services, you agree to become bound by the terms and conditions of these Terms.

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Legal Disclaimer

Site Paralism Foundation assumes no liability for the correctness, accuracy, timeliness, reliability, and completeness of the information. Any reliance you place on such information is therefore strictly at your own risk. Liability claims against Site Paralism Foundation for material or immaterial damage resulting from access to, use or non-use of the published information, misuse of the connection or technical faults are excluded to the extent permissible by mandatory law. Site Paralism Foundation expressly reserves the right to change, supplement or delete parts of the pages or the entire offer without prior notice or to discontinue publication temporarily or permanently.

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Privacy Policy

Protecting your private information is our priority. This Privacy Policy applies to Paralism Foundation.com and Paralism Foundation and governs data collection and usage. For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, unless otherwise noted, all references to Paralism Foundation (“we” “our” or “us”). The Paralism Foundation website is a blockchain infrastructure as-a-service site. Your consent is important to us. By using the Paralism Foundation website (“Site”), you consent to the data practices described in this policy.

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Paralism Launches New Social Finance Tool “DAOGram” and Open Sales of Cards Collection of the Tiger Year

Paralism has launched the new Social Finance Tool “DAOGram” on the day of Chinese lunar new year and open sales of cards collection of the Tiger Year. With DAOGram everyone is able to create or join an social network to promote goods or NFTs then get commission as they were bought.

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Notice of Exchange between PARA coin and E-PARA token

We are happy to announce that Paralism Foundation will provide exchange service between E-PARA and PARA for early joined miners today, then anyone who hold PARA coins can exchange to E-PARA. Please follow below process if you would like to do the exchange:

  1. Prepare an valid Ethereum address for receiving E-PARA.
  2. Send exchange request to paraex@paralism.com. Please specify information about
    a) The Ethereum address for receiving E-PARA.
    b) The amount of E-PARA you would like to exchange
    c) Specify if your address has a higher priority (see below)
  3. follow the steps in reply email from Paralism Foundation to process the exchange.
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Announcement: To Our Community and Miners

As planned the E-Para Initial DEX Offering(IDO) will be launched in recent days, E-PARA is an ERC20 token issued by Paralism team and designed as a value transferring bridge between Paralism and Ethereum ecology. It would bring various benefits to Paralism community as below:

  • PARA coin can be directly trade on public markets
  • Dapps on Ethereum would become smoothly migrate to Paralism ecology if they want
  • Dapps on Paralism would be able to directly interact with Ethereum Smart contracts.
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